October 2021
The committee have been able meet in person for the first time in 19 months here is a summary of the results from the meeting:
October 2021
Dear Members
The past 18 months or so has been a very difficult time for many of us. We have been through periods of lockdown which has meant that we have not been able to meet up with family and friends, some of us have been unfortunate to lose loved ones and all through a virus which spread rapidly across the world.
Thankfully, the development of vaccines and the vaccination roll out programme has meant that as more and more of us have become protected things have opened more fully and we have been able to return to a nearer normal lifestyle.
This has certainly been true for the Committee members of RAP, who on the 8th September 2021 were able to meet, in person, for the first time in 19 months. I would like to share with you some of the discussions which took place and update you with our plans.
Every organisation needs to have a good flow of income and expenditure and I am pleased to say that Andy has kept us on track through this difficult time. Our main source of income is through membership subscriptions which we have had to wholly rely on during this past 19 months as we have not been able to raise funds through raffles held at our luncheons and limited sales through the sales bar. Andy was pleased to say that after payment of expenses we still have a small surplus in the bank, however, with rising costs of postage and printing etc we need to keep an eye on things. In view of this it was decided not to increase the membership fee at this time but review again at our next Committee Meeting in the Spring of 2022.
Pierre as or Membership Secretary informed us that we have 139 members on the books. This is made up of 84 Full Members, 43 Associate Members, 7 Committee Members and 5 Overseas Members. It was agreed at the committee meeting that we would continue to use our contacts with SCAS, to promote RAP to those who are coming up to or have recently retired, and perhaps to include the 111 service, Headquarters staff, PTS and Community First Responders.
There is grave doubt now over the continuation of the RAPPORT Magasine. Following John Beards retirement as Editor, I agreed to fill the role temporarily until a replacement could be found. 3 years down the line the position is still vacant, and no-one has stepped forward. We really wouldn’t like to see an end to the magasine which we believe is well received by members.
The main issues which need addressing:
- Content. Without content we have no magasine. I thank the regular contributors who have sent me articles unfortunately this has now dried up and I cannot be held responsible as the sole provider for finding articles. As a direct result I have been unable to put together an Autumn 2021 Edition.
- Cost. It costs approximately £300 per issue in printing and postage costs. This could be off set to some extent if we could encourage advertisers. In previous issues advertisements have resulted in an income of approximately £500 per year. This is something which could be further developed but again we would need someone willing to take it on.
- Editor. This vacancy needs filling ASAP.
On a positive note, I have agreed to produce a Winter Edition, however, I do need content! If you can help by writing an article, with pictures, if possible, please email to editorrapport@gmail.com
Richard informed the committee that the website was running well and is still well visited. We have now increased the security on the website, and you will notice that the site has been changed to a secure site. If you have any old photos of times in the service, please consider letting Richard have them to include in the gallery.
Chrissy continues to offer support to any member, and we would encourage you to let Chrissy know of anyone who could do with a welfare call. Sadly, due to covid restrictions we have been unable to provide support at funerals, however, now restrictions have been lifted Chrissy has agreed to act as co-ordinator with SCAS for the inclusion of the Standard and Drape if relatives wish.
Unfortunately, planned visits to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance Base and SCAS Operations Centre were not able to go ahead. However, Pierre and Liz will be looking to see if these can be arranged next year.
The committee made the decision, that due to the uncertainty at this time not to arrange an Autumn Luncheon this year. We did, however, agree to go ahead with the Christmas Luncheon. This has now been confirmed for Sunday 2nd January 2022 at the Potters Heron, Ampfield at 12noon. We will be circulating menus and booking forms soon.
I am also pleased to let you know that all the current committee members have agreed to continue in their roles; They are:
Hon Life President: Ron Last r.last@sky.com 023 8084 5804
Charman: Paul Anfield, paulaanfield@aol.com 023 8025 5018
Vice Chair: Liz Lee liz202lee@gmail.com 01329 833983
Treasurer: Andy Bartlett ajbshb@tiscali.co.uk 023 9225 5346
Secretary: Pierre Le Cras lecraspierre@gmail.com 023 9278 7552
Webmaster: Richard Immins richard@immins.co.uk
Welfare & Support: Chrissy Rumbold christine.rumbold@hotmail.com 0781 2074 588
RAPPORT Editor: Vacant editorrapport@gmail.com
Finally, from all of us on the committee a big thank you for continuing to support RAP. We wish you well and forward to next year when we hopefully can get back to normal, meet up again, share in our friendship and feel once more part of that bigger ‘Ambulance Family’.